10. M-24 Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote
The M24 Sniper’s Weapon System (SWS) represents a return to bolt action sniper rifles by the US Army. As in the USMC M40A1, the M24 uses the Remington 700 action, although the reciever is a long action made for adaptation to take the .300 Winchester Magnum round. The stock (HS Precision) is made of a composite of Kevlar, graphite and fibreglass bound together with epoxy resins, and features an aluminium bedding block and adjustable butt plate. A detachable bipod (Harris) can be attached to the stocks fore-end. The metal finish is powder coated for extreme durability
The rifle had a very quick development cycle as the US Army had decided it wanted to get snipers back into the US Army and was in the process of developing the B4 identifier and the school to award it. There was a major short fall of M21′s which was the standard sniper rifle at that point of time and the Army figured it would need 10,000 sniper rifles of which they didn’t have nearly that many M21′s. So a new sniper rifle was developed at the same time and it was done in a record 22 months. The Weapon System Matrix Manager for the M24 was Major John Mende and he explains that the long action actually had nothing to do with the ability to convert to a .300 Win Mag but was a product of that quick development time. The rifle was intended to be chambered in the .30-06 as the -06 was a type classified munition for the Army unlike the .300 WM at the time. They wanted to have a high power load for the .30-06 eventually developed. As development of the system was moving forward they discovered that there was not enough .30-06 ammo in a single lot in the Army’s inventory to test and develop the system so they quickly changed to the 7.62x51mm NATO (308 Win) and left the action the same as there was not enough time for the manufacturers of the stock and floorplate to make the change to short action. They also fully believed they would later do a product improvement update and convert all the M24′s to .30-06. The fact that they could convert them to .300 Win Mag was an unexpected benefit to the SF groups and was never actually designed into the system
9. SR-25
The SR-25 (Stoner Rifle-25) is a semi-automatic sniper rifle designed by Eugene Stoner and manufactured by Knight's Armament Company. The SR-25 uses a rotating bolt and a direct impingement gas system. It is loosely based on Stoner's AR-10, rebuilt in its original 7.62x51mm NATO caliber. Up to 60% of parts of the SR-25 are interchangeable with the AR-15 and M16—everything but the receiver, the hammer, the barrel assembly and the carrier/bolt. SR-25 barrels were originally manufactured by Remington Arms with its 5R (5 grooves, rounded) rifling, with twist 1:11.25 (1 turn in 11.25 inches / 286 millimetres). The heavy 20 in (510 mm) barrel is free-floating, so handguards are attached to the front of the receiver and do not touch the barrel.
8. L42
The L42A1 was a British Army sniper rifle chambered for the 7.62mm NATO cartridge which entered service in 1970. It served until replacement by the Accuracy International L96 in the early 1990s. It was the last model in a long and famous line of Lee bolt action rifles using the rear-locking action designed by James Paris Lee to serve the British Army, which had first entered service in the Lee-Metford rifle of 1888. During its British Army service, the L42A1 saw active service during several conflicts including the Dhofar Rebellion in Oman, The Troubles in Northern Ireland and the Falklands War.
7. M-21
The United States Army wanted an accurate sniper rifle during the Vietnam War. The M14 was selected because of its accuracy, reliability, and the ability for a quick second shot. As a result, in 1969, the Rock Island Arsenal converted 1,435 National Match (target grade) M14s by adding a Leatherwood 3–9x Adjustable Ranging Telescope and providing National Match grade ammunition. It was designated the M21 in 1975. The M21 remained the Army's primary sniper rifle until 1988, when it was replaced by the M24 Sniper Weapon System.
In standard military use, the M21 uses a 20-round box magazine as the other members of the M14 family, and weighs 11.6 pounds (5.27 kg) without the scope. The U.S. military never officially authorized or purchased magazines in any other capacity, although 5- and 10-round magazines are available.
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6. PSG1
The PSG1 (Präzisionsschützengewehr, German for "precision marksman rifle") is a semi-automatic rifle designed by the German company Heckler & Koch of Oberndorf am Neckar.
This rifle is said to have been developed in response to the Munich massacre at the 1972 Summer Olympics. The West German police units could not engage the terrorists quickly enough to prevent them from killing their hostages. H&K was then commissioned to create a high accuracy, large magazine capacity, semi-automatic rifle for police and military use.
5. Dragnuv SVD
The Dragunov sniper rifle (formally Russian: Снайперская винтовка Драгунова, Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova (SVD), literally "Dragunov's sniper rifle") is a semi-automatic sniper rifle chambered in 7.62x54mmR and developed in the Soviet Union.
It was selected as the winner of a contest that included three competing designs: the first was a rifle designed by Sergei Simonov (known as the SSV-58), the second design, a prototype designated 2B-W10 by Alexander Konstantinov, and the third rifle, the SVD-137, a design submitted by Yevgeny Dragunov. Extensive field testing of the rifles conducted in a wide range of environmental conditions resulted in Dragunov’s proposal being accepted into service in 1963. An initial pre-production batch consisting of 200 rifles was assembled for evaluation purposes, and from 1964 serial production was carried out by Izhevsk Mechanical Works.
Since then, the Dragunov has become the standard squad support weapon of several countries, including those of the former Warsaw Pact. Licensed production of the rifle was established in China (Type 79 and Type 85) and Iran (as a direct copy of the Chinese Type 79).
4. AS50
The AS50 is a .50 BMG sniper/anti-materiel rifle manufactured by British firearms producer Accuracy International. The AS50 enables operators to engage targets at very long range with high accuracy using explosive or incendiary ammunition. The AS50 employs a gas operated semi-automatic action and muzzle brake, allowing for lower recoil than the AW50 bolt action rifle and faster target acquisition. The rifle is highly transportable, ergonomic and lightweight. It can be disassembled in less than three minutes and serviced without tools.
The rifle has an accuracy of 1.5 MOA. The barrel is free floated. The two-part machined steel receiver features an integral accessory rail for the mounting of optical sights. Two additional rails are mounted on the sides of the short barrel shroud. An adjustable bipod and rear support leg/hand grip allow for stable shooting. This weapon can accurately engage targets at over a 1.5 distance.
The AS50 weighs 14.1 kg empty and holds 5 rounds of .50 BMG in a single stack removable box magazine.
3. Barrett .50 Cal (M82)
The M82 (also sometimes designated by the military as the M107) is a recoil-operated, semi-automatic anti-materiel rifle developed by the American Barrett Firearms Manufacturing. A heavy SASR (Special Application Scoped Rifle), it is used by many units and armies around the world. It is also called the "Light Fifty" for its .50 caliber BMG (12.7 mm) chambering. The weapon is found in two variants—the original M82A1 (and A3) and the bullpup M82A2. The M82A2 is no longer manufactured, though the XM500 can be seen as its successor, in that it also employs a bullpup configuration.
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2. Cheytac .408 cal
The .408 Cheyenne Tactical (or .408 Chey Tac) is a specialized rimless bottlenecked centerfire cartridge for military long-range sniper rifles that was developed by Dr. John D. Taylor and machinist William O. Wordman. It was designed with a possible military need in mind for a cartridge for both the anti-personnel, anti-sniper and anti-materiel role with a (supersonic) precision range of 2,351 yards (2,150 m). It is hoped it will fill in a supposed market niche as an intermediate between the existing military long-range cartridges .338 Lapua Magnum and the .50 BMG.
1. L115A3 AWM
The AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum) is a sniper rifle manufactured by Accuracy International. It is also known as the AWSM (Arctic Warfare Super Magnum), which typically denotes the .338 Lapua Magnum version.
The AWM rifle is a variant of the British Accuracy International Arctic Warfare (AW). Compared to the AW, the AWM has a longer bolt to accommodate larger magnum-length cartridges such as the .300 Winchester Magnum and the .338 Lapua Magnum.
The AWM features a detachable box magazine which holds five rounds. The normal cartridges for this rifle, and the ones which have been accepted by NATO for use in AWM rifles, are .300 Winchester Magnum and .338 Lapua Magnum.
Muzzle brakes are fitted to reduce recoil, jump and flash and act as a base for optional iron sights and suppressors.
Normally, the AWMs are outfitted with a Schmidt & Bender PM II 10x42/MILITARY MK II 10x42 telescopic sight with 10x fixed power of magnification. However, a Schmidt & Bender PM II/MILITARY MK II with variable magnification of either 3-12x50, 4-16x50 or 5-25x56 can be used if the operator wants more flexibility to shoot at varying ranges, or when a wide field of view is required. Accuracy International actively promotes fitting the German made Schmidt & Bender PM II/MILITARY MK II product line as sighting components on their rifles, which is rare for a rifle manufacturer. The German and Russian Army preferred a telescopic sight made by Zeiss[1] over Accuracy International's preference.
The AWM rifle is normally supplied in a metal transit case together with scope, mount, butt spacers, bipod, spare magazines, sling, cleaning and tool kits.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Top 10 Sniper Dunia
Spoiler untuk Untuk M-24
Spoiler untuk untuk Spesifikasi
Spoiler untuk Untuk SR-25
Spoiler untuk untuk Spesifikasi
Spoiler untuk Untuk L42
Spoiler untuk Untuk Spesifikasi
Spoiler untuk Untuk M-21
Spoiler untuk Untuk Spesifikasi
Spoiler untuk Untuk PSG1
Spoiler untuk Untuk Spesifikasi
Spoiler untuk Untuk Dragnuv SVD
Spoiler untuk Untuk Spesifikasi
Spoiler untuk AS50
Spoiler untuk Untuk Spesifikasi
Spoiler untuk Barrett .50 Cal (M82)
Spoiler untuk Untuk Spesifikasi
Spoiler untuk Cheytac .408 cal
Spoiler untuk Untuk Spesifikasi
Spoiler untuk L115A3 AWM
Spoiler untuk Untuk Spesifikasi
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