Monday, August 2, 2010

RF Midway 2.2.3 ( Russia )

ni server rusia ,server pvp
server ini pke client game yg v 2.2.3 , langsung timpa aja ke folder rf lu



pass : arkandia

Info Game :
- exp 100x
- Cash Shop at NPC!
- Unique weapons and armor 65 level in the Land of the Elves.
- All forgotten the loot - will help in development.
- Leon and Relics at NPC.
- A unique and rare jewelry from NPC.
- Talic in the mines.
msh byk lg yg blm gw coba coba

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2 komentar:

kita smua said...

Keren Kk

Btw kok pas pilih server langsung Dc ya..!! ada solusi...??

Anonymous said...

kok data tidak cocok yah dah aq timpa ke Rf indo..? minta lampux dunk

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